Saturday, December 27, 2008

Saturday Long Run

Spent the morning relaxing and sleeping in (till 7!). Then it was off to High Line Canal at Goodson Rec Center to tackel 17 miles.
The weather was 27 degrees at 9:30 am and the sun was out, with a bit of a wind blowing. Got my water and fuel belt on me and started off headed north on the trail.
For about the first 3 miles my left shin was sore...and by about mile 6 I was feeling warmed up and flowing. I have ran this trail a few times before but the farthest I had ever gone was mile marker 4.... So I was on to new territory today.
The front range was beautiful and full of snow in the mountains, the cottonwoods with no leaves really stood out showing just how majestic they truly are. The wind was cold and I was glad to have on two pairs of gloves and wind jacket.
For fuel I had made a Hammer Perpetuim in gel form and 1 Mocha Clif Shot. I must say neither of these sat well with me. Perpetuim made me burp and the Mocha clif shot upset my stomach.....I drank about 20 oz of water...not enough for sure.
I felt great and kept my HR around the upper end of endurance. I could feel myself rolling over my feet rather than "thudding" them down. I thought of the nuances that Sonja and Steve have told me.....and found these thoughts helped to keep me moving along at a good pace....
And then was the turn around at mile 8.5. I had no idea it's slightly up hill the whole way back to the rec center......Imagine that....there was a point around mile 14 where I felt tired, but that lasted for a few minutes and I was back in the groove...Nothing like the final 2 Miles to keep ya going!
All in all- great run- felt strong.

Check out the run at


  1. Have you calculated the number of calories in your Hammer Perpet mix? You need at least 16 oz water per 100 calories consumed in order for your stomach to process. I bet the problem wasn't your mix, but was the amount of water you were consuming with it. The 16 is just a guideline, some can get away with less, but it's a good place to start when you are trying to figure out your nutrition.

    Love the blog, I added it to my blogroll!

  2. Thank you for the advice on how to use the Perpet! I am sure I did not drink enough water...

  3. Seemed cold and windy. Sun out and pretty area to run. Enjoyed sharing this with you. I can't imagine. Wow!! The Mom
