Monday, December 29, 2008

Monday Mornin- Go To Masters Meetin

Ok- so this morning I SERIOUSLY, SERIOUSLY, concidered hitting the snooze button (oops don't have one) staying in bed, and missing Masters Swimming. The games the mind can play at 4:10 am. "It won't matter if you miss one swim workout. But-you haven't swam in over one week. But still- I mean who's going to know? Wait, Andrea (my coach) she'll know. But I'm sooooo tiiiirrreeeed. Just GET UP NOW!"
So that's how it went for a few minutes until I rolled out of bed- pet Kai (my dog) who sleeps next to the bed- downed some water, made some tea and headed off to Masters.
Swimming felt good today. Did many laps of pulling which suit my legs just fine. Tried backstoke and that always seems to hurt my right shoulder. I can maybe do one length and that's it. We did some 100's then FAST 25's. Many, many sets of 25's. It was fun to do some LT swimming today.....
And you know what I find...? I may not want to get to a workout but once I'm done- I'm always glad I showed up!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sunday, December 28, 2008

Weekly Roundup

Another really good training week. Lots of running which felt good and it was nice to be on the bike 3 times this week. The best was being able to get outside for 3 of the workouts! YEAH!
Felt good- pretty good sleep- too much sugar and not the best nutrition...but hey- it was Christmas!

Swims: none
Bikes: 3 Days- 7 hrs
Runs: 3 Days- 6 hrs 40'
Weights: none
Stretching: 4 days

Sleep: pretty good this week. Got more than 6 hours many nights
Recovery: Chiropractic- that's about it this week
Mood: pretty good-
Health: Very healthy! No aches or pain or sniffles.

Key Workout:
Description: 17 Mile Run
Location: High Line Canal Trail from Goodson Rec Center
Nutrition: Hammer Perpet; Clif Shot Mocha- 16 oz water
Weather: 27 degrees- clear- breezy
Distance: 17 Miles
Pace: 12:94
Heart Rate Stats: 144 AHR; 159 Max HR

Comments: good run- enjoyable- I felt good on run.

Spinnin My Wheels

Sundays plan was to do an endurance ride 3-4 hours in Boulder with my biking buddies. One of those fun High Cadence Low Resistance rides.
Problem was got up to Boulder and the wind was howling! After a few phone calls for a wind check we decided to head down to REI in Denver and ride the South Platte Bike Path. Good call on our part and the wind was not bad at all.
So off we were at a leisurly pace, warming up the legs after Saturday's run. Felt a bit fatiqued in the beginning but then my legs warmed up and I enjoyed good company and a good cadence for the 3 hour ride.
What glorious weather it was- had to be about 50 degrees- slight wind and tons of sunshine for most of the ride.
For fuel I had a Clif Bar and a Gu...both worked well. Overall ride felt good, spun out my legs and enjoyed the company....
Info at:

Saturday, December 27, 2008

Saturday Long Run

Spent the morning relaxing and sleeping in (till 7!). Then it was off to High Line Canal at Goodson Rec Center to tackel 17 miles.
The weather was 27 degrees at 9:30 am and the sun was out, with a bit of a wind blowing. Got my water and fuel belt on me and started off headed north on the trail.
For about the first 3 miles my left shin was sore...and by about mile 6 I was feeling warmed up and flowing. I have ran this trail a few times before but the farthest I had ever gone was mile marker 4.... So I was on to new territory today.
The front range was beautiful and full of snow in the mountains, the cottonwoods with no leaves really stood out showing just how majestic they truly are. The wind was cold and I was glad to have on two pairs of gloves and wind jacket.
For fuel I had made a Hammer Perpetuim in gel form and 1 Mocha Clif Shot. I must say neither of these sat well with me. Perpetuim made me burp and the Mocha clif shot upset my stomach.....I drank about 20 oz of water...not enough for sure.
I felt great and kept my HR around the upper end of endurance. I could feel myself rolling over my feet rather than "thudding" them down. I thought of the nuances that Sonja and Steve have told me.....and found these thoughts helped to keep me moving along at a good pace....
And then was the turn around at mile 8.5. I had no idea it's slightly up hill the whole way back to the rec center......Imagine that....there was a point around mile 14 where I felt tired, but that lasted for a few minutes and I was back in the groove...Nothing like the final 2 Miles to keep ya going!
All in all- great run- felt strong.

Check out the run at

Friday, December 26, 2008

Spinning After Christmas

Woke up with morning at 3:45AM to ride my trainer for 2 hours.....Not an easy feat following Christmas day at my cousin Michelle's house with her husband and two children. We had a wonderful brunch and spent the rest of the afternoon playing games and eating cookies- Oh by the way - did I mention we ate COOKIES- for hours on end!
Needless to say- I woke up with a sugar hangover facing two hours on my trainer.....but all was not lost as I had the movie Deception to take my mind off how hungover I felt...
The ride went well- high cadence and low resistance. The movie was action packed and suspenseful- which kept me going and spinning fast. I had lots of water on hand and drank plenty hoping to flush out the sugar- And I was successful! By the time I finished I was feeling like myself and no hangover :)
Next I was off to work for the day with the weekend ahead! Big run tomorrow- 17 miler- should be fun!
I'm glad the indulgence of the holidays only come once a year...

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Wednesday's Wacky 10 miler

I was scheduled for a 10 mile run today No problem- the clinic where I work was closing at 3pm and I figured I could actually get in an outdoor run during the week for a change....So- off I went to Bear Creek Lake Park for a lovely 10 mile run.
I start off along the creek which is frozen solid and beautifully peaceful. Then I make it out onto the open fields running around a stream toward Bear Creek Lake.
I'm about 45 mins into the run and it dawns on me that the park closes at dark...and I parked inside the gates of the park...OH-OH. So I turn around and booked it back towards my car....luckily I was scheduled to do miles 5,7,9 as I ended up doing my first tempo work in at mile 4.
I made it back to the car as I saw a ranger drive in my car and drove about a mile out of the park to continue my run inside the park.....I was able to get another 2 miles in before it got dark (mile 7 another tempo)-
SO THEN- I got back in my car- drove home for the last 3 miles to be completed on my treadmill with mile 9 being tempo again.......
It was a completely wacky run!!!! I have never broken up a run into 3 different sections in 3 different locations......
But I did my 10- and got some time outdoors- Oh and by the way, I noticed the park doesn't close the gates until 6pm. I still had another hour when I turned around originally......

Hitting the Treadmill

Woke up Tues morning 4am to get in my Repeat Running workout...a cup of tea and it was downstairs to the basement for the workout on my treadmill.
Started off with 2 miles at a super easy pace-then...the pain began! Did 4 X 1 mile repeat at 9:00 pace- which for me is HARD. There were times during each repeat when I wanted to stop...but I kept with it...sweating my brains out-even with the fan blowing on me.
My legs were burning by the final repeat and I must admit I was glad it was over. And I was absolutely glad I did it! I know that every workout gets me in better shape and hopefully closer to a faster runtime next season...
Today will bring a 10 mile run which I am looking forward to as I will be able to be outdoors-Yeah!

Monday, December 22, 2008

Weekly Round Up-

Good training week in all-except for my right hip at the beginning of the week. I was concerned I would not be ready to run 26 mi this past Sat. But with a few chiropractic adjustments and bodywork by Brian- I ran without problems...
Nutrition was good this week. No sugar or sweets-even with the cookie exchange at work :)

So the week of training break down:
Swims: 2 days- 3hrs 15'- about 4.5 miles
Bikes: 1 day- 1 hour
Run: 2 days- 7 hrs 30'- 33 miles
Weights- 2 days- 1 hr 15'
Stretch- 3 days

Over all- great training week. I am really proud of myself and that I was able to run 26 miles on Sat and swim 3 miles on Sunday. That is pretty cool- especially since I've been at this for just one year. I am very excited and hopeful for Ironman-given I'm a year out and already able to train at these distances! What excitement!! And I feel great!

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Early Sunday Mornin 5K Swim

Up at 4:30 again for the second time this weekend! So much for sleepin in.
Got up and met the gang at Carmody Rec Center for 3K and 5K swim. I was signed up for the 5K- no paddles, bouy or fins... MY first 3 mile swim!
Well the good news is- I DID IT! Yeah. No bad news, just good news.
I was butt tired for about the first 18 laps (that's long course laps). Just felt tired...and then around lap 18 I finally felt warmed up and in a rythym. I could feel that my form is improving. One indicator is my neck isn't sore. I must be rolling better to breath.
So- I noticed as I was swimming one of the guys in the faster lane- I was keeping up with him-So what I realized today is where I lose time is on my turns. Actually that's the problem- I don't flip turn so loose a lot of time, power and speed coming off the wall. I need to really work on this when I'm at masters from now on.
Anyway- it was fun and I love swimming- but boy are my legs tired- but not hurting and no injuries!

FUEL- ate 1 egg and 1 bread about 1 hr before swim. That seemed to hold me good....

Post swim-some of us went to the Danish Bakery (yummy scones!) and then and food. What more could you want!
Pictures from Practical Coaching

Saturday 26 miles of fun- run....

My first long run today. I was so nervous this morning. The weather was forecasted to be 4 degrees, snowy, cloudy- and instead we ended up with a glorious day. Temps were in the 20s and the sun was a shinin.
Started the run at Andrea's house in Highlands Ranch and ran bike trail along C-470 all the way to Golden. My hip had been hurting pretty bad all week, so I took it slow for the majority of run. Most of run was uphill and I mainly walked the down hills. I find that I hold back a bit, I think because I am not sure what I am really capable of. Could I have run faster...possibly. I figure I'll try at the Marathon in Jan. I am shooting for sub 5 hours. That would rock!
Ran the 26 miles in 6:06. Slow and steady with a break for water at Conoco in Morrison.
I just tried to upload the run from my Garmin...and it's in cyber heaven somewhere. Kinda bummed I lost the information from this run....:(
For FUEL- I consumed 3 gels, 1 clif bar and 1/2 banana. DRANK 3 bottles of water. I took my sportsquestdirect pills every hours- but did not use Carbo Pro this time. I like the Carbo Pro best I think.
I enjoyed running with Andrea. For a while Christy was with us and Andrea and her were running faster than I was ready to....It kinda sucks to be behind sometimes...who am I sucks all the time. In time- I'll get fasterrr...................
I really love running this amount of time and this distance. Could have done without the hiway traffic. But it still was glorious and I felt absolutely blessed!

For recovery tried the moon pants that Chipolte/Garmin team uses. They were awesome and I think they helped a lot. The Wendy's hambuger might have helped too :)

All in all- great run! I ran 26 miles and was not dead by the end! It feels great to already be able to run 26 miles and I'm a year out from IRONMAN..... Cool stuff!!!!!

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Reflections on the weekend...

It was a hard training weekend. My hip started hurting and affected the way I walked. Got a chiropractic adjustment and bodywork done on Tues. Today I am walking normal again and am painfree.
What caused this...last week I slipped on some ice...and think that started the problems off.....
I did my workouts, with pain, but got through them. It was a challenging weekend...that's for sure. Lot's of running on a messed up hip.
Today's a rest day. I'm glad for that.
Have been paying attention to what I am eating. No holiday sweets this week as I feel it affected my ability-or should I say inability to run on Sat. I have a 25 mi run coming Sat...I am hoping to feel good and to support myself with proper nutrition.
This will be a good test for my head language.....
Link to the run:

A few days later....

Monday, December 15, 2008

Early Monday Morning

Up early for 2 x 500 swim before masters today...temp is -3...should be fun getting to and from the rec center.
Slept ok- kinda woke up a few times, a bit tired this morning...
Cup-o-tea and time to go soon.

Sunday, December 14, 2008

First Day of Blogging

My goodness. It was one heck of a training weekend. Saturdays run about did me in. It was brutal and felt harder than Ultimate Race in Moab. I had a hard time keeping up with the group...The way I'd describe it is I felt ROUGH around the edges. Never hit a groove, never found that rhythm. Today was not much legs are SORE. Got a bit of a right hip thing going on, it's a bit hard to walk normal.....
The holidays have taken their toll also. My thoughts are that I did not eat so well this past week and it caught up with me this weekend. Good to learn this now.
Need to dig down and not give up. Sonja was great and helped me a lot. Talked to me about strategies, form and what to not have go through my mind. I so appreciated that!
Early night...Time for bed...

Swims: 2 miles swim- felt great
Bikes: 1 day of 1 hours
Runs: 3 days- 4:45
Others: Strength- 2 days.

Sleep: Ok this week- RHR High
Recovery: Not much recovery this week
Mood: Overall- positive but energy down.
Health: Healthy...

Comments:Good week....hard weekend...need to focus on nutrition again!!!
Pictures from Practical Coaching